15-17 April, 2024
Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
Organisers: Mary Laven and Emily Michelson
Monday 15 April – Objects
12:30-14:00 – Lunch (provided)
14:00-15:30 – Material Exchanges
Chair: Mary Laven
- Federica Gigante (University of Cambridge)
“Muslim Galley Slaves as Street Sellers and the Circulation of Islamicate Artefacts in Early Modern Italy” - Lavinia Gambini (University of Cambridge)
“Levantine kerchiefs and materia medica: Cross-Cultural Encounters and the Making of the Apothecary’s Home” - Rachele Scuro (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
“Trading objects, meeting otherness: The 16th-century Venetian ghetto as a space of economic, social, and cultural encounter”
15:30-16:00 – Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 – Making and Expertise
Chair: Massimo Rospocher
- Emma Lyandres (NYU Institute of Fine Arts)
“The Padua ‘Parokhet’ as Gateway to Jerusalem: A Transcultural Textile in Early Modern Italy” - Donatella Melini (University of Pavia)
“Migrations and contaminations in 16th-century Italian lutherie” - Catherine Fletcher (Manchester Metropolitan University)
“‘A remarkable little gun out of Germany’: international firearms in sixteenth-century Italy”
Tuesday 16 April – Places & Spaces
9:30-11:00 – Venice
Chair: Emily Michelson
- Sandra Toffolo (Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, Fondazione Bruno Kessler)
“Situating encounter in urban spaces: The case of Renaissance Venice” - Tamsin Prideaux (University of Glasgow)
“Streets, Squares, and Shops: Uncovering everyday encounters in late renaissance Venice” - Alexandros Hatzikiriakos (University of St Andrews)
“The Sonic and Visual Perception of the Greek-Speaking Diaspora in Early Modern Venice”
11:00-11:30 – Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 – Naples
Chair: Rosa Salzberg
- Shulamit Furstenberg-Levi (zoom), (Scuola Lorenzo de Medici, Florence)
“An Alternative Space: Encounters between Jewish & Christian Intellectuals in Early Sixteenth-Century Naples” - Lucio Oriani (Independent scholar, Naples)
“Aragonese Global Naples Through the Lens of Illuminated Manuscripts” - Laura Incollingo (USTC project)
“’Al dì de lo corpo de Christo, ogn’homo sia listo.’ An overview of Spanish influence on Neapolitan culture”
13:00-14:00 – Lunch (provided)
14:00-16:00 – Walking Tour with Alessandro Paris
16:00-18:00 – Encounters, Real and Imagined
Chair: Federica Gigante
- Roger J. Crum (zoom), (University of Dayton)
“Encounters Elsewhere without Leaving Home: Distant Lands, Imaged Others, and the Virtuality of Foreign Encounter in Florentine Renaissance Art” - Maria Gloria Tumminelli (University of Cambridge)
“Crossing border. A Gypsies’ Family between three lands: Duchy of Milan, Venetian mainland and Duchy of Mantua (16th-17th centuries)” - Anna Clara Basilicò (University of Padua and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
“Haziendo burla de las mugeres cristianas que no se lavan: Christian and Muslim cellmates in Palermo (1609-1640)” - Marina Inì (University of Cambridge)
“Space, Diversity, and Encounters: The Management of the Dead in Early Modern Italy”
20:00 – Conference Dinner
Restaurant Scrigno del Duomo
Piazza del Duomo 29
Wednesday 17 April – People
9:30-11:00 – Identities and Networks
Chair: Alexandros Hatzikiriakos
- Annemie Leemans (zoom), (University of Antwerp)
“‘Noi altri d’Italia’. Don Giulio Clovio and his vibrant international artistic network” - Karin Sprang (University of Warwick)
“Trading Friendship: Transalpine Encounters in the Album Amicorum of Joachim Weyermann (1606-1613)” - Katalin Prajda (University of Vienna)
“Material exchanges and Migration in early Renaissance Italy: The
Testimony of a Florentine Family Memoir”
11:00-11.30 – Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 – Roundtable Discussion
Chair: Rosa Salzberg, University of Trento

Italian Renaissance Objects and Spaces of Encounter is a project funded by The Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK)